Usc® Radio Productions Ch One



USC® TV & RADIO PRODUCTIONS, LLC CHANNEL'S ONE,TWO and THREE is a Spiritual Leader as a catalyst for humanity's shift from human nature to Divine Greatness, through both the spoken word and our host sharing compelling and exciting topics to create a greater understanding of the subject and how it relates to our world today.Whether our host is speaking at conferences to world-wide audiences, organizing live global events, or presenting unique life changing empowering knowledge, our mission has always remained at the forefront of our minds and in our hearts; to create opportunities for all to claim their empowerment, stand in Unity and to meet the greater parts of themselves, and each other. This is our heart calling. You are our calling. At the most pivotal time in our human evolution, we are deeply inspired to continue to meet the needs of humanity and our planet as we birth into Empowered Greatness. It is our fervent hope and intention that our shows will serve as both a guiding light and trusted resource providing you with ever changing spiritual knowledge, inspiration and support to enable you to achieve your highest potential. The time has arrived to claim your GREATness and be the Voice of your Hearts!Call~In Number:347.327.9164 THE UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION®COPY RIGHTS©ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


  • Era of Spiritual Living - Rhonda Marie Brackett & Guest Vincent Genna

    19/02/2014 Duración: 01h30min

    “Stop Stopping Yourself and Become Unstoppable!”Vincent Genna, MSW,  is a world-renowned intuitive, respected spiritual teacher, and dynamic, vibrant speaker who provides the clarity and inspiration to help you stop stopping yourself! Over the past 29 years, Vincent’s life experience, extraordinary intuitive gifts and authenticity have allowed him to inspire and change the lives of thousands of people around the world. www.vincentgenna.comWe create our lives consciously or subconsciously. 95-98% of the mind is unconscious and acts automatically. NOT creating the life you want? You are stopping yourself without even knowing it! What blocks you from your gifts and purpose? Become the master of your life, change all you want, manifest complete abundance, and fulfill your dreams!Rhonda Marie Brackett is an internationally known host and spiritual leader whose innermost desire in life is to assist others who are on their spiritual path and life journey.  As a visionary, life strategist, empowerment coach, and spir

  • Healing with the Rainbow Rays with guest Mark Bowness

    18/02/2014 Duración: 59min

    Alijandra welcomes Mark Bowness. He"s the man in whom you want to place your trust to guide you into a deep and powerful New Year's Revolution. Because he has been there himself and helped many others win their war against complacency and misery.Like many others, until the age of 26, Bowness was simply going through the motions in a life that had little meaning, nor satisfaction—but he didn’t even realize it. It was only after his marriage breakdown and life crisis, that Bowness recognized he was living a life that other’s desired for him. The moment that Mark's marriage ended, his life hit rock-bottom and he turned to alcohol. In his deepest, darkest moment, he decided that he could not face the future and made the decision to end his life.As a direct result of his attempted suicide, Mark had an awakening that transformed his beliefs around his future and led to a business called Tribewanted, that gained international media attention, featuring him on more than 200 media outlets on six continents. That led t

  • Era of Spiritual Living with Rhonda Marie Brackett

    12/02/2014 Duración: 01h30min

    Host Rhonda Brackett welcomes Carolyn Gervais, author of I Dreamed I Was Human: Awakening from the Illusion, an eloquent explanation of complex metaphysical concepts that describe how human life connects with soul and spirit. Carolyn is an ordained spiritual psychologist, certified hypnotherapist, has a Masters degree in holistic nutrition, and has been a professional singer for more than 20 years.  Her websites are and This will be a great and interesting show! Host of the show “Era of Spiritual Living”, formerly “Modern Day Spiritual Journey”, Rhonda Brackett is an internationally known host and spiritual teacher in the field of spiritual living and empowerment.  As a long time spiritual healing consultant, metaphysician, holistic practitioner, environmentalist and Law of Attraction specialist, her innermost desire is to deliver shows that are spiritual and informative in nature and provide knowledge that is helpful to others on a spiritual journey, those with

  • Healing with the Rainbow Rays with guest co-host May Leilani Graham

    28/01/2014 Duración: 01h01min

    Alijandra welcomes guest host May Leilani Graham to the show. This will be Alijandra's last show with Blogtalk Radio as she, Leilani and the rest of the USC hosts will be moving over to their new USC Network which will be kicking off shortly. (Dates will be available very soon) Alijandra will be also picking up an additional radio slot on Tuesday afternoons, in addition to turning the usual Monday time slot into TV. It is all very exciting and we welcome you to our new home!Tonight Leilani and Alijandra will chat about this shift, the current energies, their healing class in Arizona in April, and whatever subject presents itself. We invite call-ins and and the chat room to participate. It will only be an hour show tonight. 


    23/01/2014 Duración: 35min

    Beyond Feng Shui: The congruency of Spiritual Transformation of the Home Temple and the Body Temple Diane Haignere, owner of Ready Set Redesign, began her Decorating career at age 5 – Yep, Barbie and Ken had the best decorated house in the city. She worked in Banking for 29 years. Burnt out by the downsizing occurring in the industry, she wanted to get into Decorating, but didn’t know how. Always decorating her home and friends homes during her banking years, she knew this was truly her passion, purpose and calling in life. Diane recognized she had an inner knowingness; a voice inside (that most of us have, but sometimes we ignore).  When she would listen to “the voice” and stepped into action, she had great success with helping people in Banking and Decorating. Amazed, people would ask: how did you know that? Today, her response is to give them a little grin, and say: “it’s beyond me!”  She knows the “rules” of Feng Shui, and realizes they don’t always apply to every home. Her goal: to transform one home at